Become A Better Sound Engineer - 05 - Read Your Emails Twice
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Audio geeks! Hello and welcome back!
I hope you had a fantastic week and that you enjoyed the video we made for AXR4 and it Cubase integration! What? You haven’t watched it yet? Let me make things easy for you!
Here’s the link to Is AXR4 Steinberg’s Best Audio interface?: Integration with Cubase
Back on track with this week’s content, we will be talking about a very simple but common issue. Reading emails on the fly and not paying attention to the simple stuff, that sometimes, we take for granted!
This Sounds From The Apartment video, from the series How To Become A Better Sound Engineer focuses on this simple but common issue that is easily fixed!
The series “Become a Better Sound Engineer” talk about handy little tips that, although sound like common sense, they will help you in the job more than you can imagine!
You can watch our fifth video below, and you can also find the rest of the articles on our blog or if you just want the video content, head out to our YouTube playlist for the series on our YouTube channel! Oh and don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t done already!

A lot of these tips will definitely sound like common sense and super simple to a lot of people. But they are things we tend to neglect and can cause a negative impact on ourselves when it comes to the impression we make on other people
I am pretty sure that made sense now! Make sure you turn this onto a habit and that way always prepare right for your next gig! If you’d like to have a look on our previous tips individually, here’s a quick list for you:
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Use our Instagram and Facebook pages to provide us with feedback and ask us about subjects you would like to see discussed and explained at Sounds From The Apartment!
Let us know in the comments below if you ever had been in a similar situation where you missed some details about a specific work! Don’t be shy, these things happen and are part of our evolving and development process!
Finally, pick your FREE tips for managing your home studio in a better way from this link here!
Over an out! Peace and love!